Level 2 idioms – Unit 03

Jason: Hey Sean. Sandra and I broke up, and she kicked me out of her place. I need somewhere to stay while I look for an apartment. Can I sleep on your couch?
Sean: Of course you can stay over for a while. You can always count on me.
Jason: I sure can. You’re a good friend. You know, I never felt at ease with her. I was always a little on edge.
Sean: Yes, I know. I don’t mean to interfere, but I could tell that you two didn’t really get along. I think you’re better off without her.
Jason: I’m not so sure. I wish she’d have a heart and let me come back, but I don’t think that’ll happen.
Sean: Cheer up. Things will get better, and in no time you’ll meet somebody new.
Jason: I guess you’re right. I knew I could bank on you. Maybe one of these days I’ll catch on to relationships and keep a girlfriend longer than three months.
Sean: Go easy on yourself. Nobody understands relationships very well, including me.
• broke up: stopped being boyfriend/girlfriend
• couch: sofa
• place: home (when preceded by a possessive.)
• interfere: give advice that wasn’t asked for
• better off: better than before (idiom from unit 2)
• including: also
• kick (someone) out force (someone) to leave
• stay over live in someone else’s home
• count on depend on
• at ease calm, relaxed, not nervous
• on edge tense, nervous
• mean to intend to, plan to
• get along have a good relationship
• have a heart be compassionate
• cheer up become happy
• in no time quickly
• catch on (to) begin to understand / become popular
• go easy on (someone) punish (someone) mildly
Count on and bank on mean the same thing.
Get along is followed by ‘with’ if there is an object.
Example: He doesn’t get along with her.
Catch on has 2 meanings. In the dialogue it means ‘begin to understand’ and is followed by ‘to’ if there is an object.
Example: I never caught on to astronomy.
Catch on can also mean ‘become popular,’but is never followed by ‘to.’
Example: Twitter has really caught on.
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