Personal quality adjectives

When you are asked about yourself in a job interview, or you’re describing someone, the best way to do that is to use the following personal qualities:
accurate: able to do the work with no mistakes
adaptable: able to change to a new situation
ambitious: wanting more and better things in life
amusing: able to make people laugh
athletic: being in shape and able to do sports
bold: fearless, doing things before others do them
caring: caring about other people
confident: knowing who you are and what you can do
conscientious: always doing the right thing
considerate: thinking of other people’s needs and emotions
cooperative: able to work well with other people
creative: able to make things no one has made before
curious: wanting to know something
decisive: able to make decisions quickly
dependable: always doing what you say you’ll do
determined: willing to do what’s necessary to achieve a goal
diligent: making a constant effort
disciplined: able to control yourself
efficient: able to get a lot done in a short amount of time
energetic: having a lot of energy and not getting tired
enthusiastic: very interested and excited
flexible: able to change in a new situation
generous: sharing what’s yours with other people
honest: telling the truth and doing the right thing
informed: knowing a lot of information
loyal: faithful to your friends or to an organization
mature: acting like an adult and not a child
modest: not telling other people what good things you have done
motivated having good reasons to do well
open-minded: able to listen to opposite sides of an argument
optimistic: able to see the good things in life
organized: knowing where everything is and what needs to be done
passionate: having strong emotions about something
patient: able to do hard or boring jobs and not get angry or bored
personable well-liked by others, friendly
persuasive: able to make other people agree with you
practical: doing things that you know are going to work
proactive: doing things to stop a future problem from happening
punctual: on time
qualified: having the training, education or experience to do a job
resourceful: able to solve problems creatively by using what is available
responsible: feeling like it’s your duty to do a job
sensible: having good judgment
sensitive: able to feel your own and others’ emotions
sincere: honest and open in feelings and thoughts
talented: having an easy ability to do something
thorough: doing everything that is required and then more
trustworthy: able to be trusted
versatile: able to do many different skillful things
well-balanced: doing equal work and equal play, having a lot of interests
well-groomed: having a neat and clean appearance
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