Vocabulary of feelings

ashamed: a feeling that you have done something wrong and you blame yourself
awkward: a feeling that you can’t do something well enough
embarrassed: a feeling that you have done something wrong and everybody is looking at you
humiliated: a feeling that everyone knows how bad you are
mortified: a feeling of extreme embarrassment
uncomfortable: a feeling of unease
angry: a feeling that you want to hurt someone for doing something bad to you.
annoyed: a feeling that someone or something is bothering you
confused: a feeling of not knowing what to do
frustrated: a feeling of being angry at yourself for not being able to do something
furious: a strong feeling of anger
irritated: a strong feeling of annoyance
mad: a feeling of anger
anxious: a feeling of being nervous or excited about something that’s going to happen
deceived: a feeling that someone has lied to you or tricked you
depressed: a feeling of great sadness over a long time
disappointed: a feeling of not getting the result you wanted
hurt: a feeling of sadness because someone you trust has done something bad to you
misled: a feeling that someone has lied to you
overwhelmed: a feeling that there is too much for you to do
stressed: a feeling that you can’t do the work that you have to do
upset: a feeling that something is wrong
ecstatic: a feeling of great joy
excited: a feeling of something good happening to you in the future
happy: a feeling that you’re living a good life
overjoyed: a feeling of great joy
proud: a feeling that you or someone you love has done a good job
relieved: a feeling that the bad result you expected did not happen
thrilled: a feeling of great joy