Idioms of love

Happy love expressions:
Soul mate: a person who is a perfect match for someone
• I think I’ve finally found my soul mate.
To be crazy about (someone): to be so in love with someone that you can’t stop thinking of them
• John is crazy about Alicia.
To be head over heals for (someone): (same definition as above)
ALSO: To be head over heals in love with (someone)
• John is head over heals for Alicia.
• John is head over heals in love with Alicia.
To get serious: to take a relationship to a more committed level of love
• Sue told me she‘s getting serious about Paul.
To have a crush on (someone): to be secretly in love with someone (usually teenagers)
ALSO: To have got a crush on (someone)
• She has a crush on her piano teacher.
• She‘s got a crush on her piano teacher.
To hit it off: to meet someone and really like each other immediately
• I introduced my roommate to my sister, and they hit it off right away.
To make up with (someone): to forgive (someone) after a breakup
• Joe made up with Judy over the weekend, so they’re back together again.
ALSO: To make up: To forgive each other after a breakup.
• Joe and Judy made up over the weekend, so they’re back together again.
ALSO: To take someone back: to let someone be your lover again.
• Joe apologized, so Judy took him back.
To pop the question: to ask someone to marry you
• My brother popped the question last night to his girlfriend, and she said yes.
Unhappy love expressions:
To dump (someone): to tell someone that you no longer want a relationship with them
• After three months she dumped him.
To break up (with someone): To end a relationship (with a lover)
• David and Annette broke up last week, so they’re not coming to the party.
To break someone’s heart: to cause someone who loves you to feel sad
• She broke his heart when she left him for another man.
ALSO: To have a broken heart: to feel sad about a lover leaving you
• After she left him, he had a broken heart.
ALSO: To suffer from a broken heart
• We’d better leave him alone tonight. He‘s suffering from a broken heart.
ALSO: (Someone’s) heart was broken
• When he saw her with another man, his heart was broken.
To brush someone off: to give an excuse not to see someone
• Every time I ask her for a date, she brushes me off.
To cheat (on someone): to have a second lover
• He cheated on her, and that’s why they broke up.
ALSO: To have an affair (with someone):
• She had an affair with her boss.
ALSO: A cheater: a person who has another lover
• She knows he is a cheater, but she took him back anyway.
To split up: To stop seeing each other
• Joanne and her new boyfriend split up because he couldn’t dance.
To stand someone up: to not show up for a date with someone
• I’m home early because she stood me up.
ALSO: To be stood up: someone not showing up for a date with you
• I’m home early because I was stood up.
To turn someone down: to refuse to go on a date with someone
• He tried to make a date with her, but she turned him down.
Neutral love expressions:
A blind date: a date with someone you’ve never seen before
• I’d better go home and get ready for my blind date tonight.
A double date: a date with your lover and another couple
• Let’s go on a double date with Bruce and Barb this Saturday night.
To fix someone up: to get someone else a date with someone
• My cousin’s coming to visit, and I thought I’d fix her up with my best friend.
To ask someone out: to invite someone on a date
• You know that cute girl in math class? I think I’m going to ask her out.
To chat someone up: to speak to someone so they start to like you
• I know you’re shy, but just go over there and chat her up and see what happens.
Study the above expressions, and when you think you’re ready, do the following exercise.