Level 2 adjectives – Unit 01

abundant: a lot, in great quantity
Canada has an abundant supply of fresh water.
At this time of year the river is abundant with salmon.
alike: similar, with few differences
She thinks that all politicians are alike.
All those cars look alike to me.
bright: filled with light
The room was big and bright with floor to ceiling windows.
You’ll need your sunglasses because it’s very bright outside.
casual: informal
On the weekends they like to wear casual clothes.
This is a casual company where everyone uses first names.
definite: clearly defined, known for sure
It’s definite that Professor Wight is leaving at the end of this term.
I need a definite answer by tomorrow morning.
energetic: full of energy, lively
For a person in her eighties, she seems very energetic.
I don’t want to go for a walk. I’m not feeling very energetic.
external: on the outside
This medicine says it’s for external use only.
This computer has an external hard drive.
feminine: of a female quality, like a woman
Her deep voice is not very feminine.
When she puts on a dress, it makes her feel more feminine.
internal: on the inside
He was rushed to the hospital with internal bleeding.
In that family there’s a lot of internal fighting.
logical: the result of good thinking
That seems like a logical solution to our problem.
Her logical mind told her that he was no good for her.
masculine: of a male quality, like a man
He looks much more masculine with that beard.
There are many masculine qualities other than strength.
vacant: empty, with nothing inside
That building has been vacant for years.
The community started a vegetable garden in the vacant lot.
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